With their support, the partners are now already preparing the next strategical project for the training and higher education of professionals (KA2), and wishes to develop mobilities for professionals and future professionals (KA1).
Four sessions of research-action on Development of the Power to Act (DPA) were held throughout the two-year project, involving 60 people, educators, trainers and beneficiaries altogether, producing eight research journals in both English and French on the two themes picked out for the project:
« Development of the power to act (DPA) of educators and beneficiaries in socio-educative support of adults living in great poverty »
and « Development of the power to act (DPA) of educators and beneficiaries in socio-educative support of youngsters in conflict with the law ».
Research-action participants have reflected together on the current conception of social practices through the DPA approach. Their objectives were to:
- Understand and incorporate the concept of DPA in socio-educative support of youngsters and adults
- Allow the interconnection of knowledge, experience and practice of european professionals
- Understand and identify the forces and limits of socio-educative support of struggling youngsters and adults living in great poverty based on empowerment
- Bring forward innovative socio-educative projects based on this concept
Moreover, an international dissemination seminar was held in Valencia, Spain, in May 2016. This seminar permitted to report the results of two years of research-action. The key moment of this encounter was Yann Le Bossé’s presentation. Psycho-sociologist, researcher at Laval University, Québec (Canada) and founder of the DPA approach or Development of the Power to Act; he presented some of his main ideas from his research on DPA as an alternative to transform social action. The seminar acts will contribute highly to the intellectual production of this project.
The training modules will also be a major achievement with expected lasting aftereffects on open and distance vocational training on DPA. They will be in English and French and concern both project themes too.
The final report is due by the end of October 2016.
July 2006: European Commission Agreement.
Oct 2006 à Sept 2007: Training design
Oct 2007 à Sept 2008: First year of training.
15-16 oct 2007: European Symposium.
European insights into the role of the family in socio-educational activities for children in difficulty.
To have more information, download :
European Symposium program of 15 and 16 october 2007.
2008-2009: End of the first programm, and realization of the e-learning platform.
2009-2010: Second Leonardo Project. A partner-convention has been signed to continue the partnership.
2010-2011: New partners from Spain, Belgium and Italy joined the group